Alphabetical Occupancy List

The following list contains the occupancies available in Commercial Estimator in alphabetical order by occupancy name. Click on any occupancy to display its help.

600 Administration Building

156 Alternative School

700 Anchor Department Store (Mall)

300 Apartment (High Rise)

989 Apartment (High Rise), Interior Space

596 Apartment (High Rise), Shell

984 Apartment, Luxury (High Rise)

573 Arcade

135 Arch-Rib Hoop Greenhouse, Hoop, Small (under 4,500 square feet)

141 Arch-Rib Hoop Greenhouse, Hoop, Medium (4,500 - 9,000 square feet)

138 Arch-Rib Hoop Greenhouse, Hoop, Large (over 9,000 square feet)

428 Arena, Horse

184 Arena Shelter

301 Armory

367 Arts and Crafts Building (College)

589 Assisted Living, Multiple Residence (Low Rise)

576 Atrium

302 Auditorium

455 Auto Dealership, Complete

436 Automatic Car Wash

303 Automobile Showroom

410 Automotive Center

563 Bag Fertilizer Storage

304 Bank

100 Bank Barn, General Purpose

101 Bank Barn, Special Purpose

443 Bank, Central

578 Bank, Mini

718 Banquet Hall

442 Bar/Tavern

384 Barber Shop

305 Barn

561 Barn, Feeder

398 Barn, Fruit Packing

102 Barn, General Purpose

396 Barn, Hog

397 Barn, Sheep

103 Barn Special Purpose

383 Barn, Tobacco

539 Bed and Breakfast Inn

467 Boat Storage Building

466 Boat Storage Shed

488 Bookstore (School)

183 Booth, Golf Starter

306 Bowling Center

582 Branch Post Office

498 Broadcast Facility

420 Bulk Fertilizer Storage

556 Bulk Oil Storage

394 Cabin, Transient Labor

530 Cafeteria

182 Calving Barn Shed

436 Car Wash, Automatic

508 Car Wash Canopy

435 Car Wash, Drive-Thru

434 Car Wash, Self-Serve

515 Casino

443 Central Bank

309 Church

173 Church Educational Wing

308 Church with Sunday School

310 City Club

368 Classroom (College)

356 Classroom (Elementary and Secondary School)

598 Classroom, Relocatable

158 Classroom, Special Education Classroom

444 Clinic, Dental

311 Clubhouse

985 Clubhouse Center, Senior

441 Cocktail Lounge

447 Cold Storage Facility

448 Cold Storage, Farm

377 College (Entire)

555 Commercial Utility, Arch-Rib, Quonset

471 Commercial Utility Building, Light

477 Commodity Storage, Farm Utility

493 Commodity Storage, Flathouse

562 Commodity Storage Shed, Farm

104 Commodity Warehouse

369 Commons (College)

357 Commons (Elementary and Secondary School)

514 Community Center

491 Community Service Building, Government

413 Community Shopping Center

991 Community Shopping Center, Interior Space

461 Community Shopping Center, Shell

497 Computer Center

105 Confinement Barn

106 Controlled Atmosphere Storage

313 Convalescent Hospital

419 Convenience Market

531 Convenience Store, Mini-Mart

482 Convention Center

131 Corn Crib Bin

524 Corn Crib Building

107 Corn Crib, Spaced Board

108 Corn Crib, Wire

538 Cottage, Guest

450 Cotton Gin

314 Country Club

315 Creamery

316 Dairy

317 Dairy Sales Building

426 Day Care Center

564 Dehydrator Building

444 Dental Office/Clinic

318 Department Store

700 Department Store (Mall Anchor)

575 Dining Atrium

513 Discount Shopping Center, Regional

319 Discount Store

458 Discount Store, Warehouse

320 Dispensary

407 Distribution Warehouse

321 Dormitory

393 Dormitory, Labor

435 Drive-Thru Car Wash

511 Drugstore

499 Dry Cleaners/Laundry

173 Educational Wing, Church

365 Elementary School (Entire)

480 Environmental Vegetable Building

472 Equipment Shed

470 Equipment (Shop) Building

588 Extended Stay Motel

448 Farm Cold Storage

562 Farm Commodity Storage Shed

558 Farm Implement Arch-Rib, Quonset

476 Farm Implement Building

478 Farm Implement Shed

566 Farm Sun Shade Shelter

557 Farm Utility Arch-Rib, Quonset

477 Farm Utility Building

565 Farm Utility Shelter

479 Farm Utility Storage Shed

349 Fast Food Restaurant

180 Feed Handling and Mixing

561 Feeder Barn

516 Fellowship Hall

563 Fertilizer Storage, Bag

420 Fertilizer Storage, Bulk

486 Field House

355 Fine Arts and Crafts Building (Elementary and Secondary School)

322 Fire Station (Staffed)

427 Fire Station (Volunteer)

483 Fitness Center

493 Flathouse

532 Florist Shop

465 Food Booth, Prefabricated

533 Food Store, Warehouse

323 Fraternal Building

324 Fraternity House

469 Freestall Barn

398 Fruit Packing Barn

594 Full Service Hotel

423 Garage, Mini-Lube

527 Garage, Municipal Service

528 Garage, Service Repair

526 Garage, Service Shed

326 Garage, Storage

523 Golf Cart Storage Building

183 Golf Starter Booth

491 Government Community Service Building

327 Governmental Building

493 Grain Storage, Flathouse

421 Grain Storage, Utility

135 Greenhouse, Hoop, Arch-Rib, Small (under 4,500 square feet)

141 Greenhouse, Hoop, Arch-Rib, Medium (4,500 - 9,000 square feet)

138 Greenhouse, Hoop, Arch-Rib, Large (over 9,000 square feet)

170 Greenhouse, Institutional, Small (under 4,500 square feet)

171 Greenhouse, Institutional, Medium (4,500 - 9,000 square feet)

172 Greenhouse, Institutional, Large (over 9,000 square feet)

134 Greenhouse, Modified Hoop, Small (under 4,500 square feet)

140 Greenhouse, Modified Hoop, Medium (4,500 - 9,000 square feet)

137 Greenhouse, Modified Hoop, Large (over 9,000 square feet)

518 Greenhouse Lath Shade House

519 Greenhouse Shade Shelter

136 Greenhouse, Straight Wall, Small (under 4,500 square feet)

142 Greenhouse, Straight Wall, Medium (4,500 - 9,000 square feet)

139 Greenhouse, Straight Wall, Large (over 9,000 square feet)

424 Group Care Home

538 Guest Cottage

370 Gymnasium (College)

358 Gymnasium (Elementary and Secondary School)

417 Handball-Racquetball Club

329 Hangar, Maintenance and Office

328 Hangar, Storage

409 Hangar, T

418 Health Club

484 High School (Entire)

525 High Rise Mini Warehouse

179 High Rise Town House, Detached

177 High Rise Town House, End Unit

178 High Rise Town House, Inside Unit

396 Hog Barn

109 Hog Breeding

110 Hog Farrowing

111 Hog Finishing

112 Hog Nursery

430 Hog Shed

429 Hog Shed, Modified

330 Home For The Elderly

135 Hoop Greenhouse, Arch-Rib, Small (under 4,500 square feet)

141 Hoop Greenhouse, Arch-Rib, Medium (4,500 - 9,000 square feet)

138 Hoop Greenhouse, Arch-Rib, Large (over 9,000 square feet)

134 Hoop Greenhouse, Modified, Small (under 4,500 square feet)

140 Hoop Greenhouse, Modified, Medium (4,500 - 9,000 square feet)

137 Hoop Greenhouse, Modified, Large (over 9,000 square feet)

428 Horse Arena

331 Hospital

381 Hospital, Veterinary

313 Hospital, Convalescent

594 Hotel, Full Service

595 Hotel, Limited Service

155 Hunting Shelter

416 Indoor Tennis Club

994 Industrial Building, Interior Space

454 Industrial Building, Shell

392 Industrial Engineering Building

453 Industrial Flex Building

495 Industrial Heavy Manufacturing

494 Industrial Light Manufacturing

539 Inn, Bed and Breakfast

170 Institutional Greenhouse, Small (under 4,500 square feet)

171 Institutional Greenhouse, Medium (4,500 - 9,000 square feet)

172 Institutional Greenhouse, Large (over 9,000 square feet)

989 Interior Space, Apartment (High Rise)

991 Interior Space, Community Shopping Center

996 Interior Space, Hotel - Full Service

997 Interior Space, Hotel - Limited Service

994 Interior Space, Industrial Building

995 Interior Space, Luxury Apartment

998 Interior Space, Motel

999 Interior Space, Motel - Extended Stay

983 Interior Space, Multiple Residence - Elderly Assisted Living

987 Interior Space, Multiple Residence (Low Rise)

981 Interior Space, Multiple Residence - Senior Citizen

990 Interior Space, Neighborhood Shopping Center

993 Interior Space, Office Building

992 Interior Space, Regional Shopping Center

982 Interior Space, Retirement Complex

988 Interior Space, Town House, End Unit

986 Interior Space, Town House, Inside Unit

335 Jail, Correctional Facility

489 Jail, Police Station

366 Junior High School (Entire)

490 Kennel

496 Laboratory

393 Labor Dormitory

518 Lath Shade House (Greenhouse)

336 Laundromat

499 Laundry/Dry Cleaners

560 Lean-To, Equestrian

124 Lean-To, Farm Utility

371 Lecture Hall (College)

359 Lecture Classrooms (Elementary and Secondary School)

372 Library, College

337 Library, Public

360 Library, Secondary Schools, Media Center

555 Light Commercial Arch-Rib, Quonset

186 Light Commercial Manufacturing Utility Building

471 Light Commercial Utility Building

132 Livestock Shelter, Individual

113 Loafing Shed

537 Lodge

338 Loft

445 Log Home

390 Lumber Storage Building, Vertical

339 Lumber Storage Shed, Horizontal

984 Luxury Apartment (High Rise)

512 Luxury Boutique

160 Machinery & Equipment

583 Mail Processing Facility

581 Main Post Office

157 Maintenance Storage Building

700 Mall Anchor Department Store

361 Manual Arts Building (Elementary and Secondary School)

151 Manufactured Housing, Multi-Section

150 Manufactured Housing, Single Section

340 Market

419 Market, Convenience

533 Market, Food Warehouse

586 Market, Roadside

446 Market, Super

473 Material Shelter

391 Material Storage Building

468 Material Storage Shed

585 Mechanical Penthouse

341 Medical Office

584 Mega Warehouse

720 Mega Warehouse Discount Store

440 Milkhouse

114 Milkhouse Shed

578 Mini Bank

423 Mini-Lube Garage

531 Mini-Mart Convenience Store

386 Mini Warehouse

525 Mini Warehouse, High Rise

597 Mixed Retail with Office Units

459 Mixed Retail with Residential Units

429 Modified Hog Shed

134 Modified Hoop Greenhouse, Small (under 4,500 square feet)

140 Modified Hoop Greenhouse, Medium (4,500 - 9,000 square feet)

137 Modified Hoop Greenhouse, Large (over 9,000 square feet)

719 Modular Restaurant

342 Mortuary

343 Motel

588 Motel, Extended Stay

544 Motel, Office-Apartment

542 Motel Room, 1 Story, Double Row

543 Motel Room, 1 Story, Single Row

540 Motel Room, 2 Story, Double Row

541 Motel Room, 2 Story, Single Row

374 Multipurpose Building (College)

362 Multipurpose Building (Elementary and Secondary School)

352 Multiple Residence (Low Rise)

987 Multiple Residence (Low Rise), Interior Space

587 Multiple Residence (Low Rise), Shell

589 Multiple Residence, Assisted Living (Low Rise)

710 Multiple Residence, Retirement Community Complex

451 Multiple Residence, Senior Citizen (Low Rise)

459 Multiple Residential Units Mixed with Retail

527 Municipal Service Garage

481 Museum

517 Narthex/Foyer

485 Natatorium

412 Neighborhood Shopping Center

990 Neighborhood Shopping Center, Interior Space

460 Neighborhood Shopping Center, Shell

544 Office-Apartment (Motel)

344 Office Building

993 Office Building, Interior Space

492 Office Building, Shell

444 Office, Dental

341 Office, Medical

599 Office, Relocatable

554 Office Shed

597 Office Units Mixed with Retail

556 Oil Storage, Bulk

162 Out Buildings

431 Outpatient (Surgical) Center

577 Parking Levels

345 Parking Structure

388 Parking Structure, Underground

571 Passenger Terminal

174 Pavilion

585 Penthouse, Mechanical

161 Personal Property

375 Physical Education Building (College)

363 Physical Education Building (Elementary and Secondary School)

581 Post Office, Main

582 Post Office, Branch

395 Potato Storage

474 Poultry House, Cage Operation, 1 Story

570 Poultry House, Cage Operation, 1 Story Elevated

567 Poultry House, Cage Operation, 2 Story

568 Poultry House, Cage Operation, 2 Story Elevated

569 Poultry House, Cage Operation, 3 Story

115 Poultry House, Cage Operation, Screened, 1 Story

125 Poultry House, Cage Operation, Screened, 1 Story Elevated

116 Poultry House, Cage Operation, Screened, 2 Story

126 Poultry House, Cage Operation, Screened, 2 Story Elevated

117 Poultry House, Floor Operation, Breeder

118 Poultry House, Floor Operation, Broiler

465 Prefabricated Food Booth

133 Prefabricated Storage Shed

181 Prefabricated Storage Shed, Secure

583 Processing Facility, Mail

558 Quonset, Farm Implement Arch-Rib

557 Quonset, Farm Utility Arch-Rib

555 Quonset, Light Commercial Arch-Rib

417 Racquetball-Handball Club

552 Recreational Enclosure

348 Rectory

513 Regional Discount Shopping Center

414 Regional Shopping Center

992 Regional Shopping Center, Interior Space

462 Regional Shopping Center, Shell

598 Relocatable Classroom

599 Relocatable Office

153 Residential Garage - Attached

154 Residential Garage - Built-In

152 Residential Garage - Detached

530 Restaurant, Cafeteria

349 Restaurant, Fast Food

529 Restaurant, Snack Bar

350 Restaurant, Table Service

432 Restroom Building

597 Retail Mixed with Office Units

353 Retail Store

710 Retirement Community Complex (Multiple Residence)

586 Roadside Market

551 Rooming House

376 Science Building (College)

364 Science Classrooms (Elementary and Secondary School)

181 Secure Storage Shed, Prefabricated

123 Seed Processing Storage

434 Self-Serve Car Wash

215 Senior Citizen Town House, Back-to-Back

546 Senior Citizen Town House, End Unit

547 Senior Citizen Town House, Inside Unit

985 Senior Clubhouse Center

526 Service Garage Shed

528 Service Repair Garage

408 Service Station

519 Shade Shelter (Greenhouse)

466 Shed, Boat Storage

472 Shed, Equipment

562 Shed, Farm Commodity Storage

478 Shed, Farm Implement

479 Shed, Farm Utility Storage

561 Shed, Feeder Barn

430 Shed, Hog

339 Shed, Lumber Storage, Horizontal

468 Shed, Material Storage

429 Shed, Modified Hog

554 Shed Office Structure

526 Shed, Service Garage

133 Shed, Storage, Prefabricated

181 Shed, Storage, Prefabricated, Secure

596 Shell, Apartment (High Rise)

461 Shell, Community Shopping Center

778 Shell, Hotel - Full Service

779 Shell, Hotel - Limited Service

454 Shell, Industrial Building

777 Shell, Luxury Apartment

780 Shell, Motel

781 Shell, Motel - Extended Stay

782 Shell, Multiple Residence - Elderly Assisted Living

587 Shell, Multiple Residence (Low Rise)

784 Shell, Multiple Residence - Senior Citizen

460 Shell, Neighborhood Shopping Center

492 Shell, Office Building

462 Shell, Regional Shopping Center

783 Shell, Retirement Complex

774 Shell, Town House, End Unit

775 Shell, Town House, Inside Unit

397 Sheep Barn

120 Sheep Shed

184 Shelter, Arena

565 Shelter, Farm Utility

473 Shelter, Material

566 Shelter, Farm Sun Shade

413 Shopping Center, Community

991 Shopping Center, Community, Interior Space

461 Shopping Center, Community, Shell

459 Shopping Center, Mixed with Residential Units

412 Shopping Center, Neighborhood

990 Shopping Center, Neighborhood, Interior Space

460 Shopping Center, Neighborhood, Shell

414 Shopping Center, Regional

513 Shopping Center, Regional Discount

992 Shopping Center, Regional, Interior Space

462 Shopping Center, Regional, Shell

403 Shower Building

303 Showroom, Automobile

534 Showroom Store, Warehouse

351 Single Family Residence

163 Site Improvements

175 Skating Rink, Ice

176 Skating Rink, Roller

529 Snack Bar

158 Special Education Classrooms

378 Stable

559 Stable, High-Value

183 Starter Booth, Golf

563 Storage, Bag Fertilizer

420 Storage, Bulk Fertilizer

556 Storage, Bulk Oil

470 Storage, Equipment Shop

447 Storage Facility, Cold

476 Storage, Farm Implement

477 Storage, Farm Utility

493 Storage, Flathouse

326 Storage Garage

523 Storage, Golf Cart Building

421 Storage, Grain

328 Storage Hangar

390 Storage, Lumber Building, Vertical

339 Storage, Lumber Shed, Horizontal

157 Storage, Maintenance Building

391 Storage, Material Building

395 Storage, Potato

133 Storage Shed, Prefabricated

181 Storage Shed, Prefabricated, Secure

406 Storage Warehouse

318 Store, Department

700 Store, Department, Mall Anchor

319 Store, Discount

458 Store, Discount Warehouse

511 Store, Drug

533 Store, Food Warehouse

353 Store, Retail

534 Store, Warehouse Showroom

136 Straight Wall Greenhouse, Small (under 4,500 square feet)

142 Straight Wall Greenhouse, Medium (4,500 - 9,000 square feet)

139 Straight Wall Greenhouse, Large (over 9,000 square feet)

446 Supermarket

409 T-Hangar

442 Tavern/Bar

373 Technical Trades Building (College)

416 Tennis Club, Indoor

380 Theater, Cinema

379 Theater, Live Stage

383 Tobacco Barn

121 Tobacco Barn, Air Curing

122 Tobacco Barn, Flue Curing

456 Tool Shed

200 Town House, Back-to-Back

210 Town House, Detached

401 Town House, End Unit

354 Town House, Inside Unit

394 Transient Labor Cabin

387 Transit Warehouse

580 Truck Stop

185 Truck Wash

119 Turkey Barn

388 Underground Parking Structure

548 Urban Row House, Detached

549 Urban Row House, End Unit

550 Urban Row House, Inside Unit

477 Utility Building, Farm

471 Utility Building, Light Commercial

480 Vegetable Building, Environmental

381 Veterinary Hospital

574 Visitor Center

487 Vocational School

458 Warehouse Discount Store

407 Warehouse, Distribution

533 Warehouse Food Store

525 Warehouse, High Rise Mini

584 Warehouse, Mega

386 Warehouse, Mini

534 Warehouse Showroom Store

406 Warehouse, Storage

387 Warehouse, Transit

127 Winery Shop