Commercial Estimator have two methods of entering elevators:
Elevators by Count, for which you enter the number of elevators, using the following components:
652 Freight Elevators with Power Doors
653 Freight Elevators with Manual Doors
Elevators by Area, for which you enter the area served by the elevators using component 650 Elevators (By Area)
The Marshall Valuation Service automatically includes elevators (by area) in the cost for some occupancy, class and quality combinations. However, Commercial Estimator do not automatically include elevators in any occupancies. You must use one or more of the elevator components listed above to include elevator costs in the report.
It is always better to price elevators by the Count Method when the type and number of elevators are known.
In addition, elevators by area are only available for the following occupancies:
392 Industrial Engineering Building
462 Shell, Regional Shopping Center
494 Industrial Light Manufacturing
495 Industrial Heavy Manufacturing
589 Multiple Residence, Assisted Living (Low Rise)
596 Shell, Apartment (High Rise)
700 Mall Anchor Department Store