OverviewThe Components screen lists the components in the section, and allows you to do the following: |
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The component screen has three major parts:
Component Detail: Top portion of the screen that lists the following values for the component highlighted in the Selected Components list.
Other (Climate or Number of Stops)
Selected Components: Middle portion of the screen that lists all the components you have selected. Use this list to add or delete a component, or to select a component to edit.
Component Search: Bottom portion of the screen that allows you to select components to add to the section, and to display the description of any component.
The fastest way to enter components into Commercial Estimator is to first complete one of the Commercial Estimator Worksheets, then enter them directly on the Components screen using the component codes.
To add a component when you know the component code:
Type the component’s code number in the Code field in the Component Detail in the top portion of the screen, then press the Tab key. Commercial Estimator displays the component’s name next to the Code you typed, together with default values for the other fields in this section:
Enter the component's information in the Component Detail section. See the discussion of the Component Detail section for descriptions of each field.
Click the Add button at the bottom of the Component Detail.
Commercial Estimator displays the data you have entered in the Selected Components, and clears the fields in the Component Detail.
To add a component using component search:
Do one of the following in the Component Search area at the bottom of the screen:
Using Construction Systems: Click on one of the Construction Systems (in the list on the left of the screen) to display the components in that system.
Using Name Search: Type part or all of the component's name in the field below the Construction System list, then click the Find button to display components matching the text you entered.
When available components display in the Component list on the right of the screen, double click the component to add it to the section. The component code and name display in the Component Detail at the top of the screen.
Enter the component's information in the Component Detail section. See the discussion of the Component Detail section for descriptions of each field.
Click the Add button at the bottom of the Component Detail.
Commercial Estimator displays the data you have entered in the Selected Components, and clears the fields in the Component Detail.
To edit a component:
Click the desired occupancy in the Selected Components list in the middle of the screen. Commercial Estimator displays the information you previously entered for the component in the Component Detail.
Change any of the component's information necessary in the Component Detail section. See the discussion of the Component Detail section for descriptions of each field.
Click the Update button at the bottom of the Component Detail.
Commercial Estimator displays the data you have entered in the Selected Components, and clears the fields in the Component Detail.
To delete a component, click the delete icon for the component in the Selected Components list in the middle of the screen:
Use the Component Detail at the bottom of the screen to enter or change the following information for the component:
Size, Climate or Number of Stops
Commercial Estimator uses component codes to uniquely identify each component. Enter or select a component in either of the following ways:
Direct Entry: Type the component code in this field. The component name displays to the right of the code.
Component Search: Use the Component Search section at the bottom of the screen to select a component. The component code and name automatically display on this line.
If the component code field already contains a code, you can use either of these methods to select or enter a different component.
For the following components, you must enter the percentage of total floor area served:
HVAC (Heating & Cooling): Enter the percentage of the total floor area served by each heating and cooling type.
If an entire building has a Hot and Chilled Water HVAC system, enter 100 for this component to indicate 100%.
If a warehouse has a Package Unit HVAC system in the office area, which is 12% of the building, and has Space Heaters in the warehouse area itself, enter 12 for Package Unit and 88 for Space Heaters.
If the warehouse only has the Package Unit system in the office area, just enter 12 for Package Unit.
Sprinklers: Enter the percentage of the total floor area served by each type of sprinklers.
Elevators (by Area): If you use Elevators by Area, you should enter 100 to indicate that 100% of the floor area is served by elevators. It is always better to use Elevators by Count when you know the number and type of elevators in the building.
Exterior Walls: Enter the percentage of each wall type in the building.
For the following components, you must enter the quantity (number of units) for the component as follows:
Elevators By Count: Enter the number of each type of elevator in the building.
Mezzanines: Enter the size of the mezzanine in square feet.
Malls: Enter the size of the mall in square feet.
Fire Alarm Systems: Enter the floor area served by the system.
Balconies: Enter the size of the balcony in square feet.
Land and Site: Enter the dollar value of these items.
Agricultural Components: Enter the quantity indicated to the right of the field.
For each of these, Commercial Estimator displays the minimum and maximum number of units to the right of the field. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to the minimum and less than or equal to the maximum.
This field displays for selected components that require or allow additional data to further refine the cost:
Size (Required; Selected Components): Selected components (mainly agricultural) require that you enter a component size.
Climate (Optional; Heating & Cooling): Commercial Estimator automatically sets the climate, which affects the HVAC cost, based on the US ZIP Code or Canadian Postal Code for the building. You can optionally override this climate by entering one of the following numbers:
1 = Mild Climate
2 = Moderate Climate
3 = Extreme Climate
Number of Stops (Optional; Elevators by Count): Commercial Estimator automatically sets the Number of Stops for Elevators by Count to the Number of Stories in the section. You can optionally enter a Number of Stops if it differs from the Number of Stories. Examples:
If a five story building has an elevator that stops on all five floors, you do not need to enter a Number of Stops.
If a five story building has an elevator that stops on all five floors, the mezzanine and the basement, enter 7 for the Number of Stops.
When a component has this additional field, the following displays to the right of the field:
"Required" or "Optional" to indicated whether or not you are required to enter a value.
Minimum and maximum values allowed. If the field is required, you must enter a value that is greater than or equal to the minimum and less than or equal to the maximum.
This field displays for selected components that require an additional size. Enter a size within the minimum and maximum values listed on the screen.
When a component has this additional field, the following displays to the right of the field:
"Required" or "Optional" to indicated whether or not you are required to enter a value.
Minimum and maximum values allowed. If the field is required, you must enter a value that is greater than or equal to the minimum and less than or equal to the maximum.
Select one of the following for the component:
Occupancy Quality: Select "Occupancy Quality" to use the quality you entered for the section occupancy. If you select this option and then change the occupancy quality,Commercial Estimator automatically uses the new quality for all components with quality set to "Occupancy Quality." If the section has more than one occupancy, the appropriate quality is used for each occupancy.
Individual Component Quality: Select one of the following qualities to set a specific quality for the component:
.5 |
Lowest |
1 |
Low |
1.5 |
Fair |
2 |
Average |
2.5 |
Above Average |
3 |
Good |
3.5 |
Very Good |
4 |
Excellent |
Enter a depreciation percentage for the component. If you do not enter a depreciation percentage, Commercial Estimator uses the section depreciation based on the occupancy, class, quality and effective year built.
If you do not want to depreciate the component, enter 0 for depreciation percentage.