OverviewUse the Basement Building Data screen to enter the following for the basement section of the profile: |
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Use this line to do the following:
View/Edit a Section: Select the section to view or edit. When you select a section, its Building Data displays below.
Add a Section: To create a new section, click the New button.
Delete a Section: To delete the selected section, click the Delete button.
Move From Section to Section: Use the buttons following the Delete button to move to the First, Previous, Next and Last sections respectively.
Enter the number of levels for the basement. If you leave the number of levels blank, Commercial Estimator assumes one level.
You must enter either the shape or the perimeter for the basement.
Shape: Select one of the following shapes, which Commercial Estimator uses to automatically calculate the perimeter:
Rectangular (or Slightly Irregular)
Very Irregular
If you select any of these shape options, the word "Calculated" displays for the perimeter. This indicates that Commercial Estimator will automatically calculate the perimeter based on the shape (together with the basement area and the number of levels).
Perimeter: To enter the perimeter directly, select the following:
Manual Perimeter
The perimeter is the total linear feet of wall that encloses the floor area on a single floor (based on exterior dimensions). If the perimeter varies in a multilevel basement, enter the average perimeter.
Example: If the perimeter of a building is 150 linear feet on the first level and 100 linear feet on the second level, enter 125 for the perimeter.
Important: It is best (more accurate) to enter the perimeter if you know it.
The extra costs associated with a type 1 fire resistive basement include a concrete slab separation and installation of fire doors.
For class A and B buildings, Commercial Estimator automatically includes these extra costs.
For other classes, use this check box to indicate whether or not the building's basement has been made fire resistive.
For multi-section buildings, the basement costs are printed in the report in one of the building sections. Select the section in which you want to print the basement costs. If you do not make a selection, Commercial Estimator automatically prints the basement costs in Section 1.