Use the Exterior Walls screen to select the type of exterior walls in the building. Commercial Estimator has two different methods for selecting exterior walls:
Use Typical Wall Type: Select this option to use the typical walls based on the occupancy, class and quality in the section.
Use the Following Individual Walls: Select this option to select specific exterior wall types. Once you have selected this option, you can select up to four exterior wall types in the fields below the option. For each type selected, enter the percentage of the exterior wall area with that type.
Note: Exterior wall choices are not available for a number of occupancies For a list of these occupancies, see Occupancies without Exterior Walls.
Use the buttons at the bottom of this screen to do the following:
Cancel: Cancel the creation of the new estimate, returning to the Estimates screen. If you click Cancel, nothing that you entered is saved.
< Previous: Move back to the previous Guided Entry screen (Occupancy).
Next >: Move forward to the next Guided Entry screen (Heating & Cooling).
Finish: Close Guided Entry and move to the Estimate Detail screens to continue data entry, calculate the costs or display reports.