Use the Sprinklers screen to include a cost for the sprinkler system in the building.
If you know the type of sprinkler system in the building, enter the percentage of the Total Floor Area served by the system using one of the following:
682 Dry Sprinklers: A dry sprinkler system that is filled with air under pressure until the heat from a fire opens a sprinkler head, allowing water to flow into the piping. These systems are typically found in areas where there is a chance that the water filling a wet system could freeze and damage the system.
683 Wet Sprinklers: A wet sprinkler system that constantly has water in its lines.
If you do not know whether the sprinkler system is a Wet or Dry System, enter the percentage of the Total Floor Area served by sprinklers using the following:
681 Sprinklers: Use this generic sprinkler system when you do not know whether the building’s sprinkler system is a dry or wet system. Its costs range from low quality exposed wet systems to high quality concealed dry systems.
Use the buttons at the bottom of this screen to do the following:
Cancel: Cancel the creation of the new estimate, returning to the Estimates screen. If you click Cancel, nothing that you entered is saved.
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Next >: Move forward to the next Guided Entry screen (Land & Site).
Finish: Close Guided Entry and move to the Estimate Detail screens to continue data entry, calculate the costs or display reports.