Use the Land & Site screen to include a cost for land value and site improvement cost for the estimate.
There are two different components for land value:
61 Land Value: Enter a dollar amount here to have the value entered print in the report as "Land Value."
64 Site Value: Enter a dollar amount here to have the value entered print in the report as "Site Value."
Note: The maximum land value is $99,999,999. If you need to enter a larger value, enter it as an addition with type Misc. You can also enter a land value as an addition if you want to put in the lot size (in square feet if under an acre, or in acres if over an acre) and the cost per square foot or acre. For example, if the lot is 26,000 square feet and the land value per square foot is $12.50, enter 26000 for the number of units column 12.50 for the unit cost. You can enter additions on the Estimate Detail screens that display when you click Finish to end Guided Entry.
Use either of the following components to enter the cost of all site improvements in dollars. This includes all items generally associated with the site, including landscaping, fencing, walks, paving, etc.
62 Site Improvements (Depreciated): This site improvement component prints in the report under the "Extras" heading, which is included in the Replacement Cost New and is depreciated with the other parts of the building. .
63 Site Improvements (Undepreciated): This site improvement component prints in the report under the "Miscellaneous" heading, which follows the Depreciated Cost.
Use the buttons at the bottom of this screen to do the following:
Cancel: Cancel the creation of the new estimate, returning to the Estimates screen. If you click Cancel, nothing that you entered is saved.
< Previous: Move back to the previous Guided Entry screen (Sprinklers).
Finish: Close Guided Entry and move to the Estimate Detail screens to continue data entry, calculate the costs or display reports.