Use the Elevators screen to enter the elevators in the building. Commercial Estimator has two different methods for entering elevators:
Elevators by Count, for which you enter the number of elevators.
Elevators by Area, for which you enter the area served by the elevators in square feet. This method is only available for selected occupancies.
It is always better to price elevators by the Count Method when you know the type and number of elevators.
Use the buttons at the bottom of this screen to do the following:
Cancel: Cancel the creation of the new estimate, returning to the Estimates screen. If you click Cancel, nothing that you entered is saved.
< Previous: Move back to the previous Guided Entry screen (Heating & Cooling).
Next >: Move forward to the next Guided Entry screen (Sprinklers).
Finish: Close Guided Entry and move to the Estimate Detail screens to continue data entry, calculate the costs or display reports.
Use one or more of the following components to include the cost for elevators based on the number and type of elevators in the building (and optionally the number of stops):
652 Freight Elevators with Power Doors
653 Freight Elevators with Manual Doors
When using these components, enter the following:
Quantity: Enter the number of each type of elevator. This is required.
Stops: Optionally, enter the number of stops per elevator. If you do not enter the number of stops, Commercial Estimator automatically sets it to the number of stories in the building. Therefore, you should only enter the number of stops if it differs from the number of floors. For example, if a 3 story building has an elevator with stops on each of the 3 floors and in the basement, enter 4 for the number of stops.
Use this component to include the cost for elevators on a cost per square foot basis by entering 100 for the quantity (to indicate that the elevators serve 100% of the total floor area). The cost includes consideration of the type of controls, speed, capacity, power door operation, number of stops, series of banks, etc. typical for the occupancy, class and quality rank of the building being evaluated.
Note: It is always better to price elevators by the Count Method when you know the type and number of elevators. In addition, elevators by area are only available for selected occupancies.