Guided Entry: Building Information

Use the Building Information screen to enter the following:

Estimate ID

Property ZIP/Postal Code

Stories in Building

Total Building Area

Use the buttons at the bottom of this screen to do the following:

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Estimate ID

Enter any type of information to identify the estimate (maximum 50 characters).  


Estimate ID is required, and you can use it to search for an estimate when you want to change, recalculate or delete it.

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Property ZIP/Postal Code

Enter the 5-digit United States ZIP Code or 6-character Canadian Postal Code for the property. This entry is required. Commercial Estimator uses the ZIP/Postal Code to determine the default local multiplier, region and climate. The local multiplier adjusts the costs for a specific geographical location, and is taken by Commercial Estimator from Section F of the Marshall Valuation Service.

Note:  Commercial Estimator does not have Local Multipliers for all Postal Codes in Canada.  For further information, see Using Canadian Postal Codes.

ZIP/Postal Code is required, and you can use it to search for an estimate when you want to change, recalculate or delete it.

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Stories in Building

Enter the number of stories in the building.  For a multistory building, Commercial Estimator uses the number of stories to adjust the costs for high-rise construction (by taking into consideration the additional framing required in multi-level buildings as well as the cost of raising material and labor to the upper floors).

Stories in Building is required.

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Total Building Area

Enter the total building area, which is the total area on all floors based on the building's exterior dimensions.  When calculating total floor area, do not include any of the following:  Basements, mezzanines, balconies, unfinished attics, exterior porches, decks, patios or garages.

Total Building Area is required.

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