625 Refrigerated Cooling, Packaged

This type of system is for cooling only. The cooling unit, a condenser, can be located outside the building or in a mechanical area within the structure. Generally, air is drawn through the system over refrigerated tubes or coils. Once the air is cooled, it is distributed to the register outlet through ductwork. Costs are for a simple single zoned self-contained ducted unit with typically one short duct and thermostat per unit. It is not uncommon to find a number of individual units servicing one building.

Entry Information

Enter the following for this component:

Percent of Total Floor Area served: 1 - 100

or Total Floor Area served: 10 - 99999999

Climate (Optional): 1 = Mild, 2 = Moderate, 3 = Extreme

Construction System

Heating, Cooling & Ventilation